Sunday, September 13, 2009


Dear STs,
1. Welcome back to NIE and to QCE 521 LTE.

2. I have set up a simple t/grp blog.
2.1. The main purpose of this blog is to:
- provide STs blog space to reflect on the TP experience and respond to the experiences of other colleagues
- provide a space to evaluate and share EL resources

3. To be completed by STs:
E-tutorials (x3/ 6hrs)
· After tutorial 1, blog a reflection on the t/grp blog.
· Your reflection onto the class blog must be on one of the following:
15.1 The best lesson which you conducted during TP
In your reflection, describe the lesson i.e. learning outcomes, lesson objectives, level of students and pupil profile. Talk about the skills and strategies which from QCE 520 which you enacted and how your pupils responded to them and why you think they responded in this manner. Talk about the indicators of learning. Share on why you consider it one of your best lessons etc.
15.2 EL teaching or assessment issues what you encountered during TP
In your reflection, describe the issues/ area of concern e.g. classroom management, engagement of learners or enacting principles of EL teaching and learning. Talk about how you managed to cope with the issue of concern. What key takeaways did you get from having dealt with the issue of concern? Share on whether you would do it the same way again, if you encounter the same issue and your suggestions on how to even better manage these issues in future.
15.3 Marking and dealing with errors in EL
In your reflection, share on the marking process or how you dealt with the errors in spoken and written EL made by your pupils. Talk about how you went about correcting. Talk about the key learning points and take-aways from having dealt with marking and correction
· Please note that the reflection must be in prose from and to be completed in about 300 words.
· To be done on the class blog. Deadline: 30 Sept 2009. I will set up the class blog as soon as I receive the contact list for the t/grp. Without the contact list, I cannot invite you into the blog etc.). The blog will be up by end this week.
· It is also compulsory for STs to respond to one another’s reflection from their peers in the T/grp.

· Search, contribute and collate 2 EL teaching and learning resources, write a 4 line commentary for each the resource i.e. why you are recommending it etc of and post them onto the t/grp blog. Deadline: 3 Nov 2009.

4. Thank you

Caroline Chan (Ms)
NIE 2009

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